Universidad de Verano de Teruel. Curso: "The foundations of humanity: Comparing the Technology, Culture and language of Ancestral Humans and Extant Apes"
Horas: 20
Lugar: Campus Universitario de Teruel
La Fundación Universitaria Antonio Gargallo informa que va a realizar un curso dentro de XXXIII Edición de su Universidad de Verano titulado: "THE FOUNDATIONS OF HUMANITY: Comparing the Technology, Culture and language of Ancestral Humans and Extant Apes", dirigido por el Dr. D. Héctor Marín Manrique, profesor de la Universidad de Zaragoza.
To provide an overview of the complex behaviour of modern humans, and consider how it differs from that of non-human Primates and our hominin ancestors.
To describe and analyze how modern humans resolve physical and social problems, and the extent to which comparable strategies are employed by other Primates facing analogous problems.
To discuss aspects of cognitive versatility, planning, theory of mind, procedural memory, symbolic activities, culture, language, and cerebral evolution.
To investigate the communication systems of human beings and other nonhuman animals, and consider whether language is a key component of our cognitive achievements.
The general aim is to introduce participants to significant aspects of the evolutionary pathways that have led to the complex brains and behaviours of great apes and humans.