

Seminarios Junior INMA- miércoles 7 de abril

Seminarios Junior INMA- miércoles 7 de abril

El próximo miércoles 7 de abril a las 12:00 tendrá lugar el segundo seminario junior del INMA, que podrá seguirse a través de Zoom (https://us02web.zoom.us/j/82452333200?pwd=dVhBSEVCUVRSWTJ2QU5VR3VZMWpOdz09).



Ponente 1: Zsuzsa Baranyai

Título: Receptor-targeted drug delivery using peptides and nanoparticles

Resumen de la charla: Efficient and site-specific delivery of therapeutic agents is a critical challenge in the clinical treatment of various diseases including cancer and infections. Active targeting relies on the interaction between specific receptors of a target cell and their ligands. Therefore, active targeting is a key approach to direct more effectively drugs toward the diseased tissue and to reduce their side effects. This strategy can be based on the direct coupling of a therapeutic agent to a specific ligand or based on the incorporation of the drug into a ligand-directed nanocarrier. In this work the design, synthesis and evaluation of drug-peptide conjugates and ligand functionalized, drug-loaded nanocapsules are presented as potent tools in the fight against gliomas and tuberculosis.

Ponente 2: Víctor Rollano García

Título: Coherent coupling of on-chip LC resonators to nuclear spin qudits

Resumen de la charla: In this talk, strong coupling to [173Yb(trensal)] nuclear spin transitions will be presented. This milestone in the development of a molecular spin quantum processor has been accomplished by employing on-chip superconducting resonators at mK temperatures. Nuclear spins represent a potential and promising path for spin-based quantum computing since molecules like [173Yb(trensal)] present numerous nuclear spin transitions. This feature enables encoding several qubits (qudit), opening the way to molecular spin quantum processors with built-in error correction protocols.


Se va a proceder a enviar certificados de asistencia al ciclo de seminarios junior del INMA por la asistencia a al menos dos de las sesiones del ciclo. Pedimos a los interesados en recibir este certificado que nos manden un email a cualquiera de los organizadores: Nacho (ngimeno@unizar.es), Pablo (pmartinez@unizar.es) o Laura (laumiranda270@gmail.com).
