

Programas de formación GISU

La próxima semana del 4 de abril tendrán lugar los dos próximos programas de formación GISU

GISU es una alianza de universidades comprometida con el intercambio multilateral que promueve el intercambio de formación y experiencias entre ciudades hermanadas. Su objetivo es promover le intercambio de recursos académicos, mejorar la educación, incrementar la cooperación tecnológica y científica y promover el desarrollo urbano

En esta misma línea, están lo premios al emprendimiento convocados para el año 2022

Team Learning and Psychological Safety – The Blueprint of a Dream Team
Wednesday, April 6, 2022 from 3:00 pm to 5:00 pm (Beijing Time)

Studies have shown that teams who practice team learning are innovative and competence-creating. Team learning requires a shared feeling of psychological safety. This program aims to show how to build psychologically safe teams to include virtual environments and short-term projects. In the program, participants are also welcome to share experiences as well as good practices.

This program will be led by Tampere University entrepreneurship team HUBS specialists in sustainable entrepreneurship, psychological safety and team-based learning to include Anna-Elina Pekonen and Maria Ruokonen.


ZOOM Meeting Information:


Meeting ID: 654 5590 3378

Passcode: 365162

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Meeting ID: 654 5590 3378

Find your local number: https://tuni.zoom.us/u/cbhbZVbtD0

Join by SIP



Join by H.323

Meeting ID: 654 5590 3378

Passcode: 365162


Computational Creativity

Thursday, April 7, 2022 from 3:00 pm to 5:00 pm (Beijing Time)

Based on a high-level introduction to Artificial Intelligence aimed to give an overall perspective of the field and the main issues and challenges that lie ahead, this program introduces Computational Creativity research as one of the open challenges in the field. Different types of creative systems will be highlighted, including computer-aided creativity, mixed-initiative approaches, co-creativity, and autonomous systems. Focus will then be given on the theoretical and practical aspects associated with the development of creative systems with concrete state-of-the-art research examples. Finally, a roadmap for research in this area will be presented.

This program will be led by Penousal Machado, University of Coimbra, CISUC - Centre for Informatics and Systems of the University of Coimbra, Department of Informatics Engineering.

ZOOM Meeting Information: 

Join from PC, Mac, Linux, iOS or Android: https://videoconf-colibri.zoom.us/j/88659842274?pwd=c1hZMVJKd2JreGhWbk9KRTBmaHg5QT09

Password: 771927

Or iPhone one-tap:

211202618,88659842274# or 308804188,88659842274#

Or Telephone:

Dial: +351 211 202 618 (Portugal Toll) or +351 308 804 188(Portugal Toll)

Meeting ID: 886 5984 2274 

International numbers available: https://videoconf-colibri.zoom.us/u/kcogXgVvXr 

Or a H.323/SIP room system:

H.323: (US West) or (US East) 

Meeting ID: 886 5984 2274
Password: 771927

SIP: 88659842274@zoomcrc.com

Password: 771927
