

GISU Digital and Entrepreneurship Academy Program: The Ocean as a Climate Solution

The Ocean as a Climate Solution is scheduled this Thursday, April 28, from 3:00 pm to 4:45 pm (Beijing Time)

Given the contrasting futures for society and ocean based on different anthropogenic CO2 emission scenarios, in terms of changes in ocean physics and chemistry, impacts on biodiversity, ecosystem services and livelihood, it is urgent to reduce greenhouse gases, especially CO2 emissions to help mitigate climate change. To achieve the Paris 1.5 oC or 2 oCtarget, China has promised to reach peak emissions by 2030 and carbon neutrality by 2060. 

Chinese authorities also unveiled a guiding document on the country’s work to achieve these goals under the new development philosophy which lays out key specific targets and measures for the coming decades. It outlines five major tasks which include creating a green, low-carbon and circular economy, improving energy efficiency, increasing the share of non-fossil energy consumption, lowering CO2 emissions and boosting the carbon sink capacity of ecosystems. 

Discussion will include details regarding the carbon peak and neutrality goals of China, and the approaches to boost the carbon sink capacity of marine ecosystems to climate change mitigation.  

This program will be led by Peng Jin, PhD, Associate Professor, School of Environmental Science and Engineering, Guangzhou University and Shanmin Fu, PhD, Lecturer, School of Environmental Science and Engineering, Guangzhou University.  

The following is the ZOOM Meeting Information: 

Zoom link: https://us06web.zoom.us/j/86591746822?pwd=Y211TzI1THMxTGRFOFoxSTJzTkZmQT09

ID:865 9174 6822

