Seminario INMA-Impulso: Precursors for Direct-Write Nanofabrication with Electrons and Ions

El jueves 31 de agosto tendrá lugar un nuevo seminario INMA – Impulso, un ciclo de conferencias organizado por el Instituto de Nanociencia y Materiales de Aragón, INMA, instituto mixto del CSIC y la Universidad de Zaragoza, que trata de acercar la investigación más puntera a la sociedad.

En esta ocasión contará con Sven Barth del Institute of Physics, Goethe de la Universidad de Frankfurt que ofrecerá la sesión titulada: Precursors for Direct-Write Nanofabrication with Electrons and Ions.

Resumen de la ponencia: Focused electron beam deposition (FEBID) allows the spatially controlled formation of nanoarchitectures on a wide range of substrate materials. The composition and purity of the as-grown material can be tailored by specific precursor development, which provides a chemical impetus for advances in this field. Based on the knowledge gained by surface science studies, several different reaction paths could be assigned according to the composition gained in FEBID experiments. The talk will briefly summarize the state-of the art of precursors used and introduce new single-source precursors.

Moreover, specific effects of writing strategies, e.g., serpentine vs. spot deposition, in FEBID and comparison between FEBID/FIBID in the as-deposited materials properties will be discussed. The majority of the talk will be focused on heterometallic precursors.

The talk will illustrate the unique opportunities of these more complex precusors in terms of fundamental lessons learned as well as their applicability for the direct writing of functional materials.

In addition, new approaches based on FEBID nanostructures, such as 3D nano-micro- CVD and a new, controlled phase separation on the nanoscale, will be presented.


La sesión tendrá lugar el jueves 31 de agosto a las 12:00 h en la Sala de Conferencias del Edificio I+D+i del Campus Río Ebro de la Universidad de Zaragoza.
