Seminario INMA – Impulso: Pigment of your imagination: tales of artwork from a conservation science perspective - Dr. Tami Lasseter Clare
El próximo miércoles 24 de enero tendrá lugar una nueva sesión del ciclo de conferencias INMA-Impulso, un ciclo de conferencias que trata de acercar la investigación más puntera a la sociedad.
La próxima sesión titulada: “Pigment of your imagination: tales of artwork from a conservation science perspective” correrá a cargo de Tami Lasseter Clare Professor of Chemistry - Portland State University
Resumen de la charla:
Prussian blue, or Iron(II,III) hexacyanoferrate(II,III), is considered the first synthetic pigment, first made in the 18th century. Aside from artistic uses, it has also been used in medicine as a toxic-metal sequestering agent and in tissue staining. Dr. Clare will present two stories on Prussian blue: one from a Neapolitan painting and a second hydrogels containing Prussian blue. Figuring out from what artwork is made can tell us which materials were available at that time and place and how to prevent degradation. Using an 18th century Neapolitan painting by Guiseppe Bonito titled, Il femminiello, as a case study, Dr. Clare will show how she and her students used analytical techniques to identify the color palette, which aided in its restoration. Dr. Clare will discuss the symbolic imagery in the painting, which is a unique image of a transgender man (known in Italian as, “femminiello”). In the second story, Dr. Clare will discuss how the formation of Prussian blue, or its analogs, within hydrogels can be used to monitor the corrosion of metals. Metals corrosion is a significant economic problem and affects both the structural and aesthetic qualities of architectural and artistic metalwork
La conferencia tendrá lugar el miércoles 24 de enero a las 12 horas en la Sala de Conferencias del Edificio I+D del Campus Río Ebro de la Universidad de Zaragoza.