Seminario INMA – Impulso: The potential of targeted paclitaxel immunonanoparticles conjugated to EpCam or cetuximab for lung cancer treatment by inhalation and intravenous administration - Prof. Jürgen Borlak

El próximo miércoles 14 de febrero tendrá lugar una nueva sesión del ciclo de conferencias INMA-Impulso, un ciclo de conferencias que trata de acercar la investigación más puntera a la sociedad.

La próxima sesión titulada: “The potential of targeted paclitaxel immunonanoparticles conjugated to EpCam or cetuximab for lung cancer treatment by inhalation and intravenous administration” correrá a cargo del Prof. Jürgen Borlak del Center of Pharmacology and Toxicology Hannover Medical School.

Resumen de la charla: Pulmonary delivery of nanoparticles is a widely investigated and promising approach for lung cancer treatment. In my presentation I will discuss the c-Raf transgenic lung cancer disease model and the in vivo tolerability and potential efficacy of pulmonary delivered paclitaxel palmitate loaded NPs which were covalently conjugated to an anti-EpCAM monoclonal antibody. Formulations were delivered by endotracheal administration to c[1]Raf transgenic EpCAM positive lung tumor bearing mice. Animals’ survival, body weight changes and bronchoalveolar lavage biochemistry demonstrated the general safety of the delivered formulation as compared to the free drug solution. Additionally, histopathology and in vivo CT imaging results showed that EpCAM based therapies can be considered as a promising strategy for improving lung cancer treatment using an inhalation administration approach. I will also discuss the results of a cetuximab[1]conjugated poly lactic-co-glycolic acid (PGLA) nanoparticle formulation for targeted delivery of the lipophilic paclitaxel palmitate (pcpl) prodrug in a mouse xenograft lung cancer model.

Biografía: Jürgen Borlak is Professor of Pharmacology and Toxicology at Hannover Medical School. In 2002, he was appointed as Director and founding chair of the Institute of Pharmaco- and Toxicogenomics. This field of genomic medicine applies a wide range of methods in genetics, molecular toxicology and functional genomics for a better understanding of disease-causing mechanisms, drug induced toxicities and for a better understanding of inter-individual differences in drug response, therefore allowing individualized drug treatment regimens and disease prevention strategies. Under his leadership, the Institute has gained international reputation in clinical toxicology and in an evaluation of hepatobiliary adverse drug reaction. He is a member of the management committee of the Prospective European Drug-induced Liver Injury Network ( Additionally, he holds appointments as Professor of Molecular Anatomy at the Medical Faculty of the University Leipzig; a Visiting Professor of Experimental Medicine at Uppsala University, Sweden and is a Distinguished Visiting Professor at the University of Trento, Italy.

Jürgen Borlak is author of >280 original publications and 25 book chapters and editor of the Handbook of Toxicogenomics. He is reviewer and member of the editorial board for various scientific journals and serves as an expert for the International Agency for Research on Cancer/World Health Organisation (WHO), the European Medicines Agency EMA and the FDA. He also serves as an international reviewer for many European, Asian Research Organisations and US

La conferencia tendrá lugar el miércoles 14 de febrero a las 12 horas en la Sala de Conferencias del Edificio I+D.


