The Veterinary Faculty of Zaragoza is one of the most prestigious faculties in Spain. It counts with a long and well-known trajectory since its foundation in 1847, a long pathway marked by continuous improvements in its teaching, instalations and staff.
At present, our Faculty hosts two different degrees: the classic and the latest Veterinary Science and Food Technology (CTA).
Our Faculty belongs to the European Association of Establishments for Veterinary Education (EAEVE), due to this; it has interfered voluntarily in a process of constant improvement in its contents and educational methodologies.
The Veterinary Faculty has around 220 professors and researchers, near 130 professionals linked to its administration and services and more than 1.100 students, including those of the SICUE and Socrates-Erasmus Programs, who frequently visit us. In addition, it is necessary to add those who join the diverse doctorate programs coming from abroad and the graduates who deal with some of our four official masters: Master in Introduction to the Veterinary Science Research, Master in Introduction to the Research in Science and Food Technology, Master in Health and Porcine Production and Master in Animal Nutrition.
Our Center also offers its high quality infrastructures and equipments, pointing out the latest ones: the Clinical Veterinary Hospital and the Science and Food Technology Pilot Plant, dedicated both to the teaching and the clinical assistance and to the research and project development with diverse companies. Likewise, we have a magnificent Library and Newspaper library of reference in our specialization areas.
Nevertheless, our Center stands out specially for its human capital and the relations among its staff members and the students, for what we can assure that our students have the best possible living together during their step along the University, in good part thanks to the activities that they themselves organize across their associations. Likewise, we give great importance to the mobility programs and the international cooperation, as well as to diverse training programs in companies and institutions both in Spain and abroad.
Having said that, the level of auto-exigency of our Faculty forces us to improve ourselves day after day, always supporting the teaching, the research and the maximum quality of service that people expect from us.
Our Faculty wants to look ahead, with an opened approach, compromised with the environment and concerned about the current and future changes.
On behalf of the Center, I can assure we can satisfy the needs and projects of our current and future students, the future of our professionals and all those who want to approach us.
Dr. Jesús García Sánchez.
Dean of the Veterinary Faculty